Claims Service
At KennCo Underwriting Ltd, we deal with all claims from cradle to grave for motor and commercial insurance in-house. Our Travel Claims Handlers are Sedgwick, the Medical Emergency Services are looked after by CEGA Assistance and our household claims by Sedgwick.
We pride ourselves on the efficient in-house claims service we provide which is designed to make the process as easy as possible for our customers. Our claims handlers are committed and professional and have the skill to handle every type of claim.
We aim to ensure all claims notified to us are valid and we endeavor to treat all claimants fairly. We are happy to provide any advice or assistance in the process of all claims through the KennCo offices.
We have claim forms for all respective classes of business available for download from this website or alternatively we will ensure our customers are issued with a claim form within 5 business days from the date of notification.
> Motor Claims
> Commercial Claims
> Household Claims
> Travel Claims
Motor Claims
KennCo reminds all claimants of their rights to appoint an independent loss assessor or motor engineer to assist settlement however such appointments are at the claimants’ own expense.
We will keep all claimants regularly informed of developments and once a settlement is agreed we propose to issue a settlement payment within 10 business days.
All KennCo customers will be advised the outcome of all third party claims.
Approved Repairers – With our Approved Repairer Network which is operational 24/7 365 Days of the Year this means:
- No need for two estimates.
- Free Collection & delivery of your vehicle.
- A replacement vehicle up to 5 Days subject to relevant cover & availability.
- The repair will be actively managed to reduce the repair time.
- Fast authority to reduce delays and repair duration.
- We settle directly with our Approved Garages saving you making any payments other than your policy excess & VAT if applicable.
For full details of our Approved Repairers please contact our Claims Department on tel. ( 01 ) 4994600 or e-mail [email protected].
Windscreen Repairer – In the event that your windscreen has been damaged please call our Approved Windscreen Repairer.
For breakdown assistance queries please contact KennCo Breakdown on 01 4994600.
For KennCo Windscreen Repairs please contact 01 4994600.
For further details for all complaints see our complaints procedure page.
Our Claims Service is operational from:
Monday to Friday 09:00-17:00 (Ph 01 – 4994600) through outside normal business hours you can avail of 24-hour accident assistance. (Ph. 01 2735120)
Commercial Claims
How to Deal with a Claim
These Notes are NOT part of the contract of Insurance but are a guide to help you if you have a claim. If you know or think it possible, that the damage or injury is severe, or even if you just want to speak to someone about it, please phone your broker immediately. Prompt notification by you or your insurance broker, to us, of all losses and injuries which might result in a claim, is important.
Otherwise – where your property has been lost stolen or damaged:
Glass Breakage
If the damage occurs when your premises are closed the Garda Siochana may make immediate arrangements for the broken window(s) to be boarded up. If this hasn’t been done you should immediately make arrangements for boarding up or immediate replacement of the broken glass. You should also give immediate notice of the breakage to your broker.
Other Damage Notification
Please write to your broker immediately giving as much detail as you can. If the property has been
stolen mislaid or damaged by thieves inform the Gardai immediately.
Repairs / Replacements
Estimates should be forwarded as soon as possible to your broker but if these cannot be sent within thirty days of the loss or damage let them know the position.
Other Action
Do what you can to prevent further loss or damage and minimise any interruption to your business.
Notification of Injury
Where an Employee has been injured or a member of the public has been injured and/or his/her property has been damaged, please write to your broker immediately, giving as much detail as you can.
Admission of Liability / Preservation of Salvage
The law of liability is complex so do not admit liability even if you think you may be to blame. Leave it to us to sort this out later. Any broken plant or equipment involved in the accident should be retained in a safe place.
Claim Forms
Whenever a claim form is sent to you by Kennco Underwriting Ltd. in response to your notification of loss damage or injury please complete and return it to your broker or Kennco Underwriting Ltd. as soon as possible.
Household Claims
In the event of a claim or possible claim under your household insurance:
1. you must contact:
KennCo Household Claims Department
Merrion Hall
Strand Road
Dublin. 4
Email: [email protected]
Telephone 0818 333 800
Our Claims Team is there to assist and advise you in every aspect of your claim.
2. you must provide us with written details of what has happened within 30 days and provide any other information we may require.
3. you must forward to us any writ, summons, notice of prosecution or other legal documents you receive, unanswered, on receipt to:
KennCo Household Claims Department
Merrion Hall
Strand Road
Dublin. 4
4. you must inform the Gardai or Police within 24 hours following malicious acts, violent disorder, riots or civil commotion, theft, attempted theft or lost property.
5. you must not admit liability or offer or agree to settle any claim without our written permission.
If you fail to comply with any of the above duties this insurance may become invalid.
For a Household Policy Claim Form please visit our Downloads section within our Broker Centre.
Travel Claims
The following guidelines explain what to do if your client needs to make a claim:
Claims – What to do
If you or your personal representative need to make a claim please contact KennCo Travel Claims
NON-EMERGENCY Claims and Claims Forms
Telephone: 01 4998388
Written notice must be given to the Underwriters as soon as possible of any occurrence likely to result in a claim and in any event within 30 days of completion of the Insured Trip during which the claim circumstance arose.
All claims and correspondence should be sent to: KennCo Travel Claims Department, Suite 6 & 7, Grange Road Office Park, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16.
Medical Emergency Abroad – What to do
In the event of a medical emergency overseas, immediate access is available to the 24-hour multi-lingual Medical Services Department. The call will be answered by an experienced co-ordinator who will provide advice & assistance.
Telephone: +44 (0) 1444 454 540
When your client phones the emergency number they should state that they are insured with KennCo and give the following information:
* Name, age and Policy number
* A contact telephone number
* The name and contact details of the hospital or clinic including telephone number
* A description of the medical problem
Hospital Treatment Abroad – What to do
If you are admitted to a hospital or clinic as an in-patient, our Assistance Company must be notified immediately, before incurring expenses and in any event within 48 hours.
If you receive medical treatment abroad as an outpatient, you should pay the hospital or clinic and claim back the medical expenses on your return home, assuming you are covered.
For outpatient claims request a claim form from KennCo Travel Claims (tel. 01 4998344) which you should fill in and return, together with receipts for any medical costs you may have had to pay yourself such as prescription charges and the like. If you receive treatment as an outpatient you can wait until you return home to send us your claim. You must obtain and provide us with original receipts.
The following documents should be sent with the completed claim form:
* Travel Insurance Certificate.
* Travel Tickets (Airline, Ferry, Coach, etc.). Unless returned to Tour Operator for a refund.
*Tour operators booking invoice.
* Travel Itinerary.
Delayed Departure
Written confirmation from the carrier or their agent stating the following:
a. exact reason for the delay.
b. scheduled departure time & date.
c. actual departure time & date.
Contact KennCo Travel Claims on your return to obtain a claims form.
Missed Departure
* Receipts for additional travel accommodation expenses incurred.
* Written confirmation stating the cause of the claim from the public transport company or from a garage or motoring organisation e.g. RAC or AA.
Cancellation or curtailment
The Tour Operators Cancellation Invoice showing charges incurred
* Proof of cancellation, eg.
a. Medical Certificate,
b. Death Certificate,
c. Letter from employer confirming the date you were first aware of being made redundant and length of service,
d. Court Subpoena.
Medical and medical related expenses and repatriation
* All original receipts for expenses incurred.
* Additional travel tickets.
* Copy of EHIC card if not presented whilst abroad (European travel only).
*If hospitalised, written confirmation from the hospital concerned of date/time admitted & discharged.
* Letter from treating Doctor abroad confirming the medical necessity to return home the Republic of Ireland earlier than planned.
Personal Effects/Money
* For all loss or damage in transit claims, including delayed Personal Effects/Possessions, report to the airline, railway company or shipping line, or their handling agent and obtain a written Property Irregularity Report from them before leaving the baggage reclaim area.
* If claiming for a damaged item, estimates of repairs
* In respect of money claims, currency conversion slips/copy of bank/building society statements or a letter from your bank confirming the withdrawal of funds prior to your holiday.
* Property Irregularity Report, tickets and baggage tags.
* All theft or losses must be reported to the police within 24 hours of discovery and obtain a written police report.
* Contact KennCo Travel Claims on your return to obtain claims form.
* Retain and produce at your own expense all receipts, reports and documentary evidence to support the claim
Legal costs and expenses claims
Please contact DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company Limited.
DAS House, Quay Side, Temple Back, Bristol BS1 6NH
Tel +44 (0)117 934 2000 Fax +44 (0)117 934 2109
Email [email protected]
Legal costs and expenses claims should be notified as soon as possible and, in any event no later than 180 days of your becoming aware of the insurance event.
Find out how to make a claim here.
Travel Claims ( From April 2024 )
Policies purchased on or after 17th April 2024
Medical Emergency Services
Section 1 of this Policy includes a 24 hour emergency medical assistance service during your Insured Trip. In the event of an Insured Person suffering serious injury or illness which may lead to hospital treatment as an in-patient or emergency repatriation or evacuation contact: Mawdy
Telephone (from abroad):
+ 353 91 545997
Please tell them that you are covered under a Mawdy Travel Insurance and quote your Policy Number and Policy Period
Claims Notifications
All claims and correspondence relating to this Insurance should be addressed to Travel Claims Department, MAWDY, 22-26 Prospect Hill, Galway, H91 T3HK, Ireland. Tel – 091 545 997. Written notice must be given to Insurers as soon as possible of any occurrence likely to result in a claim and in any event within 30 days of completion of the relevant Insured Trip